• 2022-05-27
    How can we make we make an effctive complaint?
    A: describe the purchase or service
    B: state the problem
    C: state the results of this problem
    D: state actions you want them to take
    E: state your sincere thanks for their reply
  • A,B,C,D


    • 0

      We should ______ a bad state of affairs. A: make best of B: get the best of C: make the best of D: get best of

    • 1

      What are the steps of writing an apology letter?( ) A: Give your apology at the beginning of the letter. B: State the problem and give explanation for what happened. C: Arrange for a future action to make up. D: Apologize again or give thanks for understanding.

    • 2

      Arrange the information and put the following information of a letter of complaint in order. (请按照投诉信的步骤排序) A: Describe your purchase B: Your address C: Allow time for the solution D: Salutation E: State the problem of the product F: Finish the letter respectfully G: Ask for specific solution

    • 3

      We are not in a____to accept your bid at the present state of the market.

    • 4

      Constatives are sentences that did not state a fact or describe a state, and are not verifiable.