• 2021-04-14
    In fact, it was Professor Stevens’ personal relation with Ms. Smith that helped to convince her to change her mind about this project.
  • 内容

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      What do we know about the author from the first four paragraphs A: Her sociological teacher inspired her to smile. B: She found it a tough task to finish her project. C: Her family went to McDonald's to help her with the project. D: Something unexpected happened when she was waiting in line.

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      Questions 18 ~ 21 are based on the following interview between a reporter and Mrs. Smith on her exchanging roles with her husband. Why did Mrs. Smith change her roles with her husband A: Because she has been bored about the housework. B: Because she has got a job at a salary higher than her husband’s. C: Because she wants to communicate with the people. D: Because she finds it interesting to work outside.

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      She thought I was talking about her daughter,________, in fact , I was talking about my daughter.

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      Carter’s devotion to her ancestor is about more than personal pride: it is about family honor.

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      Why is Ms. Lavender not satisfied with her hospital experience with her first child?