• 2022-05-28
    There is still ______ time left. Take your time.
  • a little


    • 0

      Time is limited and you must_______ your plan in no time. A: come about B: take up C: care fo D: carry out

    • 1

      Don't worry, Ben. There's still ____ time left. A: few B: a few C: little D: a little

    • 2

      Don’t hurry. We still have _______ time left. A: little B: few C: a little D: a few

    • 3

      It will take hard work, ( ) to achieve your goals. A: perseverance B: dedication C: time management D: time

    • 4

      How many people are going to _______________ that project? A: take part in B: take your time C: take photos