当表述“在游乐场游玩时人特别多”,我们可以说“The theme park was people mountain people sea.”
- 当表述“在游乐场游玩时人特别多”,我们可以说“Thethemeparkwaspeoplemountainpeoplesea.”
- 在游乐场游玩时人特别多
- “游泳池里人山人海,跟煮饺子一样。”可译为___________ ( ) A: There are a lot of people in the swimming pool, just like cooking dumplings. B: The swimming pool is so packed, just like sardines. C: There are people mountain people sea, just like dumplings in the boiling water. D: People mountain people sea; cooking dumpling in the pool.
- The 3rd theme park is the Sea World.
- 人山人海 的翻译可以是下面哪几项? A: Ren Shan Ren Hai B: People mountain people sea C: huge crowd of people
- 0
The 3rd theme park Chen visited was Sea World.
- 1
Let's meet at 7: 30 outside the gate of___? A: the People's Park B: the Peoples' Park C: the People Park D: People's Park
- 2
About _________ people are in the People’s Park at the weekends.
- 3
people mountain people seathe golden weekgap yearintelligentaptitude
- 4