• 2022-05-28
    price BETWEEN 50 AND 100 等价于 price>50 AND price<100。( )
  • 错误


    • 0

      下列选项中与“WHERE (id,price)=(3,1999)”功能相同的是( ) A: WHERE id=3 || price=1999 B: WHERE id=3 &amp;&amp; price=1999 C: WHERE (id,price)&lt;&gt;(3,1999) D: 以上选项都不正确

    • 1


    • 2

      Could you please ________ 50 metric tons of peanuts A: quote us your best price for B: quote for us your best price for C: quote us for your best price for D: quote us at your best price

    • 3

      分析以下SQL 命令执行后的输出结果是( )。[br][/br]SELECT price[br][/br]FROM inventory[br][/br]WHERE price BETWEEN 1 AND 50[br][/br]AND (price IN(55, 30, 95); A: 55 B: 95 C: 30 D: NULL

    • 4

      下列多条件查询使用正确的有() A: B: and查询db.collection.find({ $and : [ { "age" : {$gt : 10 }} , { "gender" : "man" } ]}) C: #or查询db.collection.find({ $or : [ {"age" : {$gt : 10 }}, { "gender" : "man"} ]}) D: E: and查询和or查询db.inventory.find( { $and : [ { $or : [ { price : 0.99 }, { price : 1.99 } ] }, { $or : [ { sale : true }, { qty : { $lt : 20 } } ] } ]} ) F: G: and查询和or查询db.inventory.find( { $or: [ { $and : [ { price : 0.99 }, { price : 1.99 } ] }, { $: [ { sale : true }, { qty : { $lt : 20 } } ] } ]} )