• 2022-05-28
    Magenta absorbs green light and reflects ( ) light.
    A: Purple
    B: Red
    C: Blue
    D: Green
  • B,C


    • 0

      设计中RGB三色的颜色模式都代表()颜色。 A: red、green、blue B: Cyan、Magenta、Yellow C: Magenta、blue、black D: blue、Magenta、black

    • 1

      Among the traffic lights, red light is placed ______. A: at the bottom B: in the middle C: at the top D: below the green light

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      设计中RGB颜色模式都代表()颜色。 A: red B: green C: blue D: blue、Magenta、black

    • 3

      I toldnot to hurt her feelings. A: once in a blue moon B: a white lie C: the green light D: green with envy

    • 4

      The additive primary colors of additive color theory include( ). A: Blue B: Green C: Red D: Purple