• 2021-04-14
    Why do we often see pigs’ images in paper-cutting for window decoration?
  • Because pigs are tokens of good harvest and wealth


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      中国大学MOOC: During the process of paper cutting, _____ methods are often used.

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      Do you often ________ out of the window while you ________ lessons?

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      Compared with paper cutting in Europe, Chinese paper cutting is more realistic.

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      Why do we need gender equality in the fight against climate change? Why is climate change worse on women? Women, especially in developing countries, are often the first caregivers - looking after children and the household often falls under their _________.

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      7. Why do we spend so much time in the performance zone? A: Our environments often are unnecessarily high stakes. B: We learned that mistakes are undesirable. C: We do not want to make mistakes. D: All above