• 2022-05-28
    Informal space directly affects the way we communicate with others. It can be also a form of nonverbal communication and varies from culture to culture.
  • 内容

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      Not _______, the process of choosing names varies from culture to culture. A: normally B: obviously C: particularly D: surprisingly

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      中国大学MOOC: Hall suggests that the only way to learn the internal culture of others is to actively ________ their culture.

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      What are the characteristics of Nonverbal Communication? A: Nonverbal communication depends on the context B: Nonverbal communication is related to culture C: Nonverbal communication is continual D: Nonverbal Communication is non-structural

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      To form a general understanding of a culture from books and films might be helpful, but could also lead to misunderstanding or culture shock.

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      From the last paragraph, we can learn _____. A: globalization enriches our culture B: progressives stop the engine of creativity C: people often force others to accept their culture D: conservatives welcome the spread of their culture