• 2022-05-28
    I hope your little girl will enjoy it as much as I did.
  • 希望你的小女儿也会像我当年一样喜欢它。


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      I received as much money as the others did.

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      Little _____ how much difficulty he had gone through. A: I knew B: I know C: did I know D: does I know

    • 2

      Ken: How was your summer, Bianca? Bianca: It was pretty (1) __________. I had a part-time job at a (2) ______. Ken: Did you enjoy working there? Bianca: Yes, I did. I really got to know some of the (3) __________. How about you? Ken: I had a part-time job during the summer, too. It was great. Bianca: Really? What were you doing? Ken: I worked part-time as a (4) __________at the (5) ______. Bianca: Cool. Ken: It was amazing… I hope I can do it again next summer.

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      中国大学MOOC: I hope you enjoy them and please feel free to add your own __________ to the pictures.

    • 4

      I hope you enjoy ______________(you)at the party.