• 2021-04-14
    A. I hope you enjoyed your stay B. I hope you will enjoy your stay C. I hope you have enjoyed your stay D. I enjoyed meeting you
  • I hope you enjoyed your stay


    • 0

      If you were a bellman, you should say _______to guests who have checked out and are leaving to the hotel? A: I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. B: We hope you have a nice journey. Goodbye. C: We look forward to seeing you again. D: Welcome to XXX hotel.

    • 1

      Hope you'll enjoy your stay here!

    • 2

      希望他喜欢中国之行。 A: I hope China is what you like. B: I hope you enjoyed your trip to China. C: Good luck to China. D: Have a good time to China.

    • 3

      下面哪些句子适用于机场接待? A: How was your journey B: I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. C: Very nice to meet you. D: May I help you with your luggage

    • 4

      I hope you will enjoy yourself during your stay in Shanghai. A: like yourself B: have a happy time C: have a good time D: have a long time