• 2022-05-28
    The 7P theory of service marketing is on the basis of product, price, promotion and distribution add______
    A: Physical Environment
    B: People
    C: Process
    D: psychological factor
  • A,B,C


    • 0

      International marketing is “the process involved in the creation,(), distribution, promotion, and pricing of products, services, ideas, and experiences for ()

    • 1

      Issues of price, place, promotion, and product are ____ conventional concerns in planning marketing strategies.

    • 2

      The 5Ps of marketing are people, product, price, place and promotion.

    • 3

      With the current emphasis on product development, pricing, branding, and promotion, the physical distribution of materials and goods is no longer a major concern of marketing.

    • 4

      In marketing mix, ________ ferers to what the business or profit organization offers to its prospective customers or clients.( ) A: Price B: Product C: Place D: Promotion