• 2022-05-28
    The linguistic context considers the probability of one word’s co-occurrence or collocation with another, which forms part of the meaning, and an important factor in communication.( )
  • 内容

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      Which one below is the most important factor during a communication process? A: nonverbal skills B: tone of voice C: chosen words

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      There are two forms of changes in word meaning, one is meaning d_____, the other is meaning shift.

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      The forms of intercultural communication include: ___________ communication; interracial communication, __________ communication, _____________ communication.

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      Which of the following statements about intercultural communication is not true?( ) A: It is communication between people of different cultures. B: During the process of intercultural communication, one should turn one’s back on one’s own culture. C: We need understanding and acceptance in intercultural communication. D: We should develop tolerance and acceptance in intercultural communication.

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      (1) Dialects refer to __________ differences and these differences can be national, regional or local .(2). One’s social background does influence one’s choice of linguistic forms and one’s language reveals one’s __________. In this aspect, __________ is an important marker of sociolect.(3) Socialects also refer to one’s style according to the communicative situation: __________ and __________.