• 2022-05-31
    Which one of the following is the kind of collocation in meaning?
  • kettle---tea


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      One feature of news report is meaning contraction, that is, using the least amount of form to encode the most amount of meaning. Of the following choices, which one does not belong to meaning contraction?

    • 1

      In the following sentences, which one is completely different in meaning with “ I am looking forward to your acceptance ”

    • 2

      Which of the following is not one kind of “Love” A: hatred B: friendship C: omance D: family affection

    • 3

      In the second sentence of draft one, the students "escape the control of teachers and parents". Which of the following is the proper meaning of this sentence?

    • 4

      Which one does the following have the same meaning of “kid”? A: Kite. B: Check. C: Kick. D: Child.