• 2022-05-28
    The Americans and Chinese are likely to use a personal communication style instead of the contextual one.
  • 本题目来自[网课答案]本页地址:https://www.wkda.cn/ask/aptyeeottojztzo.html


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      The Americans belong to . A: low-context culture B: cultures of indirect communication style C: cultures of self-enhancement communication style D: cultures of status-oriented communication style

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      The Americans belong to A: low-context culture B: indirect communication style C: self-enhancement communication style D: status-oriented communication style.

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      Which of the following is NOT the focus of the personal communication style? A: personhood B: neighborhood C: individual identity D: use of pronouns in sentence construction.

    • 3

      We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style __________ in a personal one.

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      With whom are you MOST likely to use low context communication?