• 2022-05-28
    In following writers, who once had tea with Queen Victoria?
    A: Walt Whitman
    B: Mark Twain
    C: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    D: Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • C


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      【单选题】Which of the following is NOT a writer of American Romanticism? A. Mark Twain B. Walt Whitman C. Nathaniel Hawthorn D. Herman Melville

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      In following writers, who is well-known for the short stories with the twist ending? A: Henry James B: O. Henry C: Stephen Crane D: Mark Twain

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      Choose the authors who belong to the romantic group in American literature. A: Ralph Waldo Emerson B: Henry David Thoreau C: Nathaniel Hawthorne D: Herman Melville E: Walt Whitman

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      Who wrote Leaves of Grass? A: Emily Dickinson B: Henry W. Longfellow C: Walt Whitman D: James Cooper

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      Walden was written by ______. A: Ralph Waldo Emerson B: Henry David Thoreau C: Nathaniel Hawthorne D: Henry W. Longfellow