The formation site of primary urine is :()
A: Renal corpuscle
B: Renal tubule
C: Collecting duct
D: Renal corpuscle and renal tubule
E: Renal tubule and collecting duct
A: Renal corpuscle
B: Renal tubule
C: Collecting duct
D: Renal corpuscle and renal tubule
E: Renal tubule and collecting duct
- The composition of nephrons does not include A: renal corpuscle B: proximal tubule C: collecting duct D: distal tubule
- Does not contain in the cortical labyrinth A: Renal corpuscle B: Proximal convoluted tubule C: Distal convoluted tubule D: Thin segment
- Thiazides<br/>and related agents () act on () A: the thick ascending limb of the Henle’s loop B: the proximal convoluted tubule C: the distal convoluted tubule D: the collecting duct E: the late distal tubule and collecting duct
- Formation of protourine in ________. A: renal medulla B: renal pyramid C: renal cortex D: renal papilla
- From inside to outside the arranging order of renal envelop is(). A: fibrous capsule, fatty renal capsule and renal fascia B: fibrous capsule, renal fascia and fatty renal capsule C: renal fascia, fatty renal capsule and fibrous capsule D: renal fascia, fibrous capsule and fatty renal capsule E: fatty renal capsule, fibrous capsule and renal fascia