testis formed mainly determined by : A: SRYgene B: androgen C: X chromosome D: paramesonephric duct E: mesonephric duct
testis formed mainly determined by : A: SRYgene B: androgen C: X chromosome D: paramesonephric duct E: mesonephric duct
The formation site of primary urine is :() A: Renal corpuscle B: Renal tubule C: Collecting duct D: Renal corpuscle and renal tubule E: Renal tubule and collecting duct
The formation site of primary urine is :() A: Renal corpuscle B: Renal tubule C: Collecting duct D: Renal corpuscle and renal tubule E: Renal tubule and collecting duct
Of<br/>the following, the one most closely associated with the efferent<br/>ducts of the testis is ____. A: mesonephric tubules B: mesonephric duct C: paramesonephric duct D: genital swellings E: urogenital sinus
Of<br/>the following, the one most closely associated with the efferent<br/>ducts of the testis is ____. A: mesonephric tubules B: mesonephric duct C: paramesonephric duct D: genital swellings E: urogenital sinus
Thiazides<br/>and related agents () act on () A: the thick ascending limb of the Henle’s loop B: the proximal convoluted tubule C: the distal convoluted tubule D: the collecting duct E: the late distal tubule and collecting duct
Thiazides<br/>and related agents () act on () A: the thick ascending limb of the Henle’s loop B: the proximal convoluted tubule C: the distal convoluted tubule D: the collecting duct E: the late distal tubule and collecting duct
A tendon with a duct that contains multiple pieces of prestressing steel strand is commonly called a()tendon.
A tendon with a duct that contains multiple pieces of prestressing steel strand is commonly called a()tendon.
The thoracic duct begins at the ? right lumbar trunk|cisterna chyli|left lumbar trunk|intestinal trunk
The thoracic duct begins at the ? right lumbar trunk|cisterna chyli|left lumbar trunk|intestinal trunk
The combining form cholecyst/o means__________. A: gallbladder B: bile duct C: liver D: bile
The combining form cholecyst/o means__________. A: gallbladder B: bile duct C: liver D: bile
单词aqueduct中,词根aque表示water,duct表示to lead,下列哪一个可以用作aqueduct?
单词aqueduct中,词根aque表示water,duct表示to lead,下列哪一个可以用作aqueduct?
The composition of nephrons does not include A: renal corpuscle B: proximal tubule C: collecting duct D: distal tubule
The composition of nephrons does not include A: renal corpuscle B: proximal tubule C: collecting duct D: distal tubule
Which of the following structures can not be found in the epidermis? A: Duct of sweat glands B: Capillaries C: Nerve endings D: Melanocytes
Which of the following structures can not be found in the epidermis? A: Duct of sweat glands B: Capillaries C: Nerve endings D: Melanocytes