买家的话"My best price for it is 600."应翻译成“我最少出600元”.( )
- ”You have my sympathy.”译成“我同情你。”体现了哪一翻译要求
- 中国大学MOOC: 翻译:Favorable price/best price
- 温先生拍卖古董应缴纳个人所得税( )元。 A: 1 600 B: 2 400 C: 13 600 D: 0
- Paul was ordered to pay Clara $600 because A: he had borrowed $600 from her. B: he had broken his word to marry her. C: he had promised to give her $600. D: he had spent a lot of her money.
- 境内一单位将一批货物运往境外加工, 出境时向海关报明价值 1000 元,并在规定时限内复运进境。支付境外加工费 600 元、料件费 500 元,支付复运进境的运输费 500 元、保险费 100 元。该货物适用关税税率 10%。该单位当月该笔业务应缴纳进口关税税额的下列算式中,正确的是( )。 A: (600 + 500 + 500 + 100)×10% =170(元) B: (600 + 500)×10% = 110(元) C: (1 000 + 600 + 500 + 500 + 100)×10% = 270(元) D: (1 000 + 600 + 500)×10% = 210(元)