原文: Since silver and gold are inconvenient to carry and assay for purity and for weight, it became customary for each state to stamp out in coin form a specified number of ounces of gold carrying the seal of the state to guarantee purity and weight.译文:由于携带银和金不便,故,以往的方案是做成金币
- For Swiss currency, the 5-centime coin is in gold color while all other coins are in silver color.
- <p>White, corresponding with metal, represents gold and symbolises brightness, purity, and fulfillment. The three-terraced marble of _____________ is white.</p>
- In U.S.A., the Senate consists of members elected by each state, but each state has an equal number of Senators-two.
- The weight of a vehicle contains the kerb weight and the gross weight.
- “绿水青山就是金山银山.”的译文是“Clear waters and green mountains are gold and silver mountains. ”( )