• 2021-04-14
    The China-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline project include ______.
  • it is the result from collaboration of four countries and six partiesit lasted for almost ten yearsit overcame complex geographic difficultiesit innovatively adopted segment management mode


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      The parameters for predicting oil and gas PIIP include . A: Oil (gas) area B: Average thickness of oil (gas) layer C: Single storage coefficient D: Thickness of source rock

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      中国20世纪60年代开始进行海洋油气资源的自营勘探和开发。 A: As early as the 1960s, China began to explore and exploit offshore oil and gas resources on its own. B: Since the 1960s, China began to explore and exploit offshore oil and gas resources on its own. C: Beginning from the 1960s, China began to explore and exploit offshore oil and gas resources on its own. D: Until the 1960s, China began to explore and exploit offshore oil and gas resources on its own.

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      The role and position of unconventional oil and gas resources in global oil and gas production are becoming more and more important. Which of the following are unconventional oil and gas resources? A: Tight rock oil and gas B: Mud shale oil and gas C: Coalbed methane D: Oil shale E: Oil sands F: Natural gas hydrate

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      Oil can be conveyed by pipeline from an oil region to a refinery.

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      利用Web of Science平台检索时,如果限制检索词oil和检索词gas最多间隔不超过4个单词,下列哪个选项是正确的? A: oil AND/4 gas B: oil Same/4 gas C: oil W/4 gas D: oil Near/4 gas