According to its fruit structure characteristic, an apple should be called a false fruit. [img=1153x427]1803b8138cdda1c.jpg[/img]
- $fruit="apple" echo 'this is an $fruit.'的输出结果是( ) A: this is an $fruit. B: this is an $apple. C: this is an apple. D: this is an .
- 下面创建数组的方法正确的有( )。 A: var fruit=new Array("apple","banana","orange","peach"); B: var fruit={"apple","banana","orange","peach"}; C: var fruit=["apple","banana","orange","peach"]; D: var fruit=["apple","banana","orange",123];
- The apple trees fruit
- Fruit类有Apple和Orange两个子类,Fruit fruit=new Apple(); 该语句是对象类型转换中的_______转型。
- 下列对shell变量FRUIT操作,正确的是() A: 为变量赋值:$FRUIT=apple B: 显示变量的值:fruit=apple C: 显示变量的值:echo$FRUIT D: 判断变量是否有值:[-f“$FRUIT”]