• 2022-05-27
    The guiding principle among the eight-principle syndrome differentiation is ( )。
    A: Exterior or interior
    B: Cold or heat
    C: Excess or deficiency
    D: Yin or Yang
  • D


    • 0

      the temperature of ward of ______ patient should be a little higher A: excessive rising of liver-Yang B: excess heat syndromes C: Yang deficiency D: Yin deficiency E: young adults

    • 1

      14. One of the therapeutic principles in TCM is to treat heat syndrome with cold herbs, it is based on the A: Opposition and Restriction between Yin and Yang B: Mutual Transformation between Yin and Yang C: Mutual Dependence and Interaction between Yin and Yang D: Opposition and Restriction between Yin and Yang

    • 2

      Bluish, purple lips often indicate ____ A: yin deficiency B: qi deficiency C: blood stasis D: excess heat

    • 3

      Ma<br/>Huang Tang is a prescription that can relieve( ). A: blood<br/>stasis B: excess C: deficiency D: heat E: the exterior

    • 4

      Tongue is red and thin with little or no coating. This is usually seen in:[img=430x373]1803a0fe4e7a434.png[/img] A: yin deficiency and fire exuberance B: qi and blood deficiency C: dampness heat D: yang deficiency