• 2022-05-27
    The types of supporting materials include
    A: Testimony
    B: omparison and contrast
    C: Repetition and restatement
    D: Visuals
  • A,B,C,D


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      The supporting materials are cornerstones for supporting your ideas.The basic kinds of them are_______. A: examples B: statistics C: testimony D: science fiction

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      The verbally given supporting materials in a speech usually include _____. A: examples, statistics and testimony B: examples, statistics and illustrations C: visual aids, ocular proofs and examples D: charts, diagram, and tables

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      What kind of supporting materials does the speaker use in his speech?( ) A: Testimony B: Statistics C: Examples

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      The basic kinds of supporting materials include all of the following EXCEPT __________.

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      You should decide which types of supporting materials you need. We have 7 types of materials that can be used in speeches: Personal experiences,Common knowledge,Direct observation, Examples, Documents,Statistics,Quotation.