• 2021-04-14
    A researcher decide to draw the entire sample from one "representative" city, and the population includes all cities. the researcher must be confident that the chosen sample is truly representative of the entire population. This is belonging to ().
  • Judgement sampling


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      A researcher is interested in testing to determine if the mean of population one is greater than the mean of population two. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference in the population means (i.e. the difference is zero). The alternative hypothesis is that there is a difference (i.e. the difference is not equal to zero). He randomly selects a sample of 9 items from population one resulting in a mean of 14.3 and a standard deviation of 3.4. He randomly selects a sample of 14 items from population two resulting in a mean of 11.8 and a standard deviation 2.9. He is using an alpha value of .10 to conduct this test. Assuming that the populations are normally distributed, the critical t-value from the table is _______.

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      A<br/>sample in which the characteristics of the sample are the same as<br/>those of the population is a ( ) A: variables<br/>sample. B: representative<br/>sample. C: attributes<br/>sample. D: random<br/>sample.

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      The study is restricted by some limitation. ______, the population of the study included a sample from only one city, whereas other cities have not been tackled. ________, the study utilizes one instrument, mainly a questionnaire, while other instruments such as in-depth interviews and observation were not used.

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      Which of the following is NOT a reason for the need for sampling? A: It is usually too costly to study the whole population. B: It is usually too time consuming to look at the whole population. C: It is sometimes destructive to observe the entire population. D: It is always more informative by investigating a sample than the entire population.

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      A summary measure that is computed from a sample to describe a characteristic of the population is called: