• 2021-04-14
    Ezra Pound’s significant contributions to poetry begin with his promulgation of _____.
  • imagism


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      Chaucer’s main contributions to English poetry and language lie in ______.

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      was regarded as American's poet laureate and invited to read his poem at the inauguration of President Kennedy. A: Ezra Pound B: T.S. Eliot C: Robert Frost D: Cummings

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      ______ has been considered as the father of English poetry, his contributions to the development of English literature lie in that, ______ and ______ .

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      Ezra Pound blue-penciled _______________________, written by Eliot, the most significant American poem of the twentieth century. A: The Waste Land B: Four Quartets C: The Love Song of Alfred Prufrock

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      Ezra Pound was brought up in Pennsylvania