• 2021-04-14
    Hemingway’s American literary debut came with the publication of the short story cycle ______ in 1925.
  • In Our Time8


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      Thackeray’s first literary success came with a series of satirical sketches entitled _____.

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      What’s NOT true about the narrative perspective of “In Another Country”?‌​‌ A: the story is told by an external narrator B: the story is told in an objective third person C: the young American soldier is the narrator of the story D: the story is told from the American’s point of view

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      The Romantic Period in the history of American literature started with the publication of Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book and ended with Whitman’s ____.

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      Who is the "father of American short story" A: James Fenimore Cooper. B: Mark Twain. C: Henry. D: Ernest Hemingway.

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      Washington Irving’s social conservation and literary for the past is revealed, to some extent, in his famous story, _______.