• 2022-05-27
    cut in 
    A: 捎话
    B: 插话
    C: 剪断
    D: 随便说说
  • B


    • 0


    • 1

      A big tree was ___ and then ___for firewood.A. cut down; cut into B. cut up ; cut inC. cut down; cut up C. cut in; cut off A: cut down; cut into B: cut up; cut in C: cut down; cut up D: cut in; cut off

    • 2

      9. It’s impolite to ________on someone when he is talking with other people.A) cut up B) cut out C) cut down D) cut in A: A) cut up B: B) cut out C: C) cut down D: D) cut in

    • 3

      交谈的过程中,有时插话难以避免,适当插话可以活跃气氛,使谈话更好地继续下去。插话应注意 A: 插话可远离主题 B: 征得对方允许 C: 插话可喧宾夺主 D: 话不是打岔 E: 插话不宜多

    • 4

      Your hair needs.You’d better have it cut tomorrow. A: cutting B: to cut C: cut D: being cut