• 2022-05-27
    For the next two hours she was _________ in the film, which turned out to be as good as she had hoped.
    A: absorbed
    B: attracted
    C: excited
    D: drawn
  • A


    • 0

      The little girl was turned ______ by her stepfather and she had no place to go. A: on B: off C: out D: away

    • 1

      It turned out what her father left her was the plain ring her mother had been wearing when she was alive. She happier if it had been diamonds.

    • 2

      It was not such a good meal ______ she had expected. A: what B: like C: which D: as

    • 3

      ‎‎‎The film turned out to be (successful) ________ than we had expected.‎‎‎‎‎

    • 4

      The film turned out to be (success) ___ than we had expected