• 2022-05-28
    Please decide who could say the sentence:Well, there’re many departments in our store. You can find all kinds of goods here.
    A: Guest
    B: Shop assistant
  • B


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      To see which products your customers are using and the frequency they’re using them, you can ask, “________” A: Who else could find our product useful? B: How would you compare our products to our competitors’? C: How often do you use our products? D: How would you rate the value for money?

    • 1

      You can purchase a pair of jeans from a department store, ... a specialty store, or a discount store. A: a store where special kinds of products are available B: a store where various kinds of jeans are available C: a store where products of a particular brand are sold D: a store where expensive clothes are sold

    • 2

      In the sentence "If you want to find how much the rent will cost you, please feel free to contact us. ", here, "rent" is an uncountable noun.

    • 3

      —Is that a ________? —Yes. There are all kinds of beautiful shoes in it. Let's go and have a look. A: fruit shop B: clothes store C: shoe store D: book shop

    • 4

      Excuse me, could you help me with the luggage,please A: Hurry up. B: You're right. C: Sure. D: Here it is.