• 2022-05-28
    The villagers used (swim) ______ in the pond, but they seem to have stopped doing that now because of the polluted water.
  • to swim


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      【单选题】Putting water in bottles ( saves / wastes ) a lot of water. Water is used to clean the bottles.

    • 1

      I don’t swim not, but I ________ when I was a kid.(C) A: to it(C) B: doing it(C) C: used to(C) D: used

    • 2

      Lakes, rivers and underground water supplies have all been badly polluted by lightly regulated industry.

    • 3

      Sea water is not directly used as a coolant for engines because of its ().

    • 4

      ____ the rain has stopped , let’s continue to work . A: For B: Now that C: That D: Because