• 2022-05-28
    Which of the following statement is true?
    A: Value deals with the lightness or darkness of a color.
    B: Value is the key to the illusion of light.
    C: Nomatter what type of art,as long as there are dark valuesin harmony with light values, it can beaestheticallypleasing.
    D: Value is the most important element of art.
  • A,B,C


    • 0

      What are the customer values? A: Purchase value B: Word of mouth value C: Transaction value D: knowledge value

    • 1

      Ecosystem service values can be divided into use values and non-use values. Where use values include ( ). A: direct value B: indirect value C: option value D: existence value

    • 2

      ________ is more important in black-and-white movies than in color ones( ). A: Back light B: Hard light C: Fill light D: Key light

    • 3

      ‎ Which color was called Xuan in ancient times?​ A: dark blue B: light blue C: dark green D: light green

    • 4

      Which statement is wrong?( ) A: Art belongs to all B: Art is art C: Art can be seen in everywhere D: Art is expensive