The gallery only ______ modern paintings. ( ) A: deals in B: sold C: had D: deals with
The gallery only ______ modern paintings. ( ) A: deals in B: sold C: had D: deals with
This passage mainly deals with _____.
This passage mainly deals with _____.
Settingobjectives deals with controlling.
Settingobjectives deals with controlling.
TheDepartment deals with money.
TheDepartment deals with money.
Others are focused on getting the best deals through ( ). A: volume deals B: coupons C: bargain D: sales
Others are focused on getting the best deals through ( ). A: volume deals B: coupons C: bargain D: sales
The Finance Department deals with.
The Finance Department deals with.
__________ deals with the innate character of human nature.
__________ deals with the innate character of human nature.
______ deals with language teaching and learning in particular.
______ deals with language teaching and learning in particular.
The central theme of Paradise Lost deals with heroism.
The central theme of Paradise Lost deals with heroism.
deals with a society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.
deals with a society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.