原文:孩子是上天送给成人的天使;宠物是成人送给孩子的天使。译文:For the adults, kids are the angels sent by God. For the kids, pets are the angels given by the adults.
- 原文:孩子是上天送给成人的天使;宠物是成人送给孩子的天使。译文:For the ...given by the adults.
- Can I bring the kids, or is it adults only? A: Host B: Guest
- By age of ____, kids talk pretty much like adults because all essential parts of language will be in place.
- The National SAFE KIDS Foundation/Association ______ for fire safety, car safety and home safety to both adults and children.
- 1. What is the main idea of paragraph 1? A: Challenging working environment can damage interpersonal relationship. B: All parents keep on reminding their kids to “play nice.” C: The reminder of “play nice” for adults should be more polite than that for kids. D: Not only kids but also adults need to be reminded to “play nice” sometimes.