Absorption is related to ( ).
A: the structure of the sample
B: the concentration of the sample
C: the length of light path through the sample
D: amount of the solution
A: the structure of the sample
B: the concentration of the sample
C: the length of light path through the sample
D: amount of the solution
- Counter sample can also be called ( ) A: duplicate sample B: sealed sample C: return sample D: reference sample
- Counter<br/>sample can also be called _____________.() A: duplicate<br/>sample B: sealed<br/>sample C: confirmed<br/>sample D: contracted<br/>sample
- The sample made by the seller according to the buyer’s, and then sent to and confirmed by the buyer is called __________. A: duplicate sample B: returning sample C: original sample D: copy sample
- In international trade, according to supplier of the sample, sales by sample can be divided into A: Sales by Seller’s Sample B: Sales by Buyer’s Sample C: Sales by Counter Sample D: Sale by Descriptions or Illustrations E: Sales by Reference Sample
- For a sample, each factor related to recognition is called a feature.
- 0
Which are the common used ways to sampling? A: Simple random sample without replacement B: Simple random sample with replacement C: Stratified sample D: Cluster sample
- 1
凭卖方样品成交时,应留存( )以备交货时核查之用。 A: counter sample B: duplicate sample C: free sample D: sample for<br/>reference
- 2
随机生成10个1-100之间的随机数,用语句( ) A: sample(1:10,100) B: sample(1:100,10) C: sample(10,1:100) D: sample(1~100,10)
- 3
以下属于出货样的是( )。 A: Pattern Sample B: Washed Sample C: Bulk Production Sample D: Lab Dip
- 4
23. Sale by sample includes sale by seller’s sample, sale by buyer’s sample and sale by duplicate sample.