• 2021-04-14
    必需氨基酸(essential amino acid)
  • 必需氨酸是指人或动物体内需要但本身不能合成,必须从食物中获得的氨基酸。


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      Which of the following is not the outlet of Acetyl CoA? () A: go into the TCA cycle B: use to synthesize fatty acid C: transition to essential amino acid D: produce ketone bodies E: transition to cholesterol

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      氨基酸脱氨基可生成相应的α-酮酸,后者在体内参与合成 A: 必需脂肪酸 B: 非必需脂肪酸 C: 必需氨基酸 D: 非必需氨基酸 E: 维生素A

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      Which is not essential amino acids? ( )

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      According to the scientists, life came from ___________. A: combination of energy and biochemical materials B: combination of nucleic acid and amino molecules C: nucleic acid molecules D: amino acid molecules

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      氨基酸脱氨基可生成相应的α-酮酸,后者在体内参与 A: 合成必需脂酸 B: 合成非必需脂酸 C: 合成必需氨基酸 D: 合成非必需氨基酸 E: 合成维生素A