• 2022-06-09
    the essential amino acid?()
    A: glycine
    B: methionine
    C: tyrosine
    D: Glutamine
  • B


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      Which of the following amino acids doesn’t belong to essential amino acids?? Methionine|Isoleucine|Valine|Cysteine

    • 1

      The spacial conformation of protein is mainly determined by: () A: the<br/>sequence of amino acid B: α-helix<br/>and β-pleated sheets C: the<br/>side chain of amino acid in the peptide D: peptide<br/>bond in the peptide chain E: the<br/>location of disulfide bond in the peptide chain

    • 2

      What<br/>about inserting a base into the coding region of a gene?() A: No<br/>impact B: It<br/>will change all amino acid sequences of the protein downstream of the<br/>insertion point C: Depending<br/>on the insertion point, it may have different effects on the protein D: An<br/>amino acid will be inserted into the protein sequence E: Three<br/>amino acids will be inserted into the protein sequence

    • 3

      Carnitine is: A: an essential cofactor for the citric acid cycle. B: essential for intracellular transport of fatty acids. C: one of the amino acids commonly found in protein. D: present only in carnivorous animals.

    • 4

      Which of the following is not the outlet of Acetyl CoA? () A: go into the TCA cycle B: use to synthesize fatty acid C: transition to essential amino acid D: produce ketone bodies E: transition to cholesterol