• 2021-04-14
    The children _____ football.
  • are playing


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      It’s four o’clock in the afternoon. The children ________ football. A: play B: are playing C: is playing

    • 1

      Mr. Green is a football fan. He _____ football. A: used to playing B: is used to play C: used to play D: uses to play

    • 2

      ‏"Don't play football in the street." The policeman shouted at the children ___________ .(angry)‌

    • 3

      Look, the children _____football on the playground. A: is playing B: are playing C: plays D: play

    • 4

      Though it was raining hard, but the children practiced football on the playground. A: Though B. but C. practiced B: D. the