• 2022-07-23
    perception distance
  • 感识距离


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      The first step of perception process is ________. A: perception B: organization C: selection D: interpretation

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      4.4 According to Edward. T. Hall, what are 4 zones of personal space? A: intimate distance B: personal distance C: social distance D: public distance

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      Chinese peopleshowtheirrespectto othersthrough______, whichis differentfrom Western people whousuallyshowrespect through physical_______. A: closeness, closeness B: distance, closeness C: distance, distance D: closeness, distance

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      Which of the following does cultural orientations include? A: View of the human nature B: Time perception and space perception C: Perception of the equality of power D: Orientation to the relationship between self and others

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      The writer says that perception is