• 2022-07-02
    __________ sequence
    A: muffle
    B: intuition
    C: gene
    D: tent
  • C


    • 0

      Which gene transfer technique involves a tiny needle which is used to inject DNA into a cell lacking that DNA sequence

    • 1

      Coding sequence of microRNAs may be present in the introns of split gene, and it can also exist in the intergenic non-coding regions. A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 2

      What about inserting a base into the coding region of a gene? A: No impact B: It will change all amino acid sequences of the protein downstream of the insertion point C: Depending on the insertion point, it may have different effects on the protein D: An amino acid will be inserted into the protein sequence E: Three amino acids will be inserted into the protein sequence

    • 3

      Among the following genes, ( ) is the housekeeping gene. A: Ribosomal protein gene B: Hemoglobin gene C: Insulin protein gene D: Ovalbumin gene

    • 4

      The creation of a stop codon in the middle of a coding sequence<br/>within the gene is a:() A: missense<br/>mutation; B: frameshift<br/>mutation; C: nonsense<br/>mutation; D: point<br/>mutation; E: silent<br/>mutation.