A gene knock-in (or knock-in) refers to a genetic engineering method that involves the one-for-one substitution of DNA sequence information in a genetic locus or the insertion of sequence information not found within the locus. A gene knock-in therefore can be seen as a gain of function mutation and a gene knockout a loss of function mutation, but a gene knock-in may also involve the substitution of a functional gene locus for a mutant phenotype that results in some loss of function.
- When you doing transgenic plant, you could do overexpression, gene knock-down or gene knock out. Overexpression usually refers to an experiment when DNA is added to the cell to force expression of the gene to a much higher than normal level.()
- The creation of a stop codon in the middle of a coding sequence<br/>within the gene is a:() A: missense<br/>mutation; B: frameshift<br/>mutation; C: nonsense<br/>mutation; D: point<br/>mutation; E: silent<br/>mutation.
- 中国大学MOOC: Genetic engineering manipulates gene products at the level of the
- Minor changes of HA are called A: Gene mutation B: Gene reassortment C: Antigenic shift D: Antigenic drift
- which of following do not belong to pathogenic variations of the endogenous genes ( ) A: gene amplification B: abnormal gene expression C: invasion of the foreign genes D: gene arrangement E: point mutation