A: While XYZ is well documented, it remains unclear whether/why...
B: Despite a large body of evidence for XYZ, its detailed mechanisms remain to be elucidated.
C: However, it remains to be investigated whether...
D: ABC is the main mechanism used by all vertebrates to achieve XYZ.
A: While XYZ is well documented, it remains unclear whether/why...
B: Despite a large body of evidence for XYZ, its detailed mechanisms remain to be elucidated.
C: However, it remains to be investigated whether...
D: ABC is the main mechanism used by all vertebrates to achieve XYZ.
- 下面哪些句型,通常被用来引出研究问题? A: While XYZ is well documented, it remains unclear whether/why... B: Despite a large body of evidence for XYZ, the detailed mechanisms for ... remain to be elucidated. C: However, it remains to be investigated whether... D: ABC is a main mechanism used by all vertebrate to ...
- 下面哪些句型,通常被用来引出研究问题? A: While XYZ is well documented, it remains unclear whether/why... B: Despite a large body of evidence for XYZ, the detailed mechanisms for ... remain to be elucidated. C: However, it remains to be investigated whether... D: However, it remains to be investigated whether...
- a='ABC'b=aa='XYZ'print(a)print(b),输出结果为? A: XYZ ABC B: ABC XYZ C: ABC ABC D: XYZ XYZ
- #print("Test")print("abc") #print("xyz")程序输出 A: Test<br/>abc xyz B: Test <br/>abc <br/>xyz C: abc D: abc xyz
- 中国大学MOOC: 下面哪些句型,通常被用来引出研究问题?