- Potato A: A, love chilly and be afraid of heat B: B, love cold and be afraid of heat C: C, love heat and be afraid of cold D: D, love heat and be afraid of cold
- In chapter 5, according to Professor Hansen's bell-shaped curve of average temperature, what does three standard deviations mean for temperature? A: Moderate heat or cold that occurs regularly B: Extreme heat or cold that occurs a couple of times in a thousand occurrences C: Slight heat or cold that occurs in twelve times in a thousand occurrences D: Normal heat that occurs normally
- There are rarely extremes of cold or heat in Britain,? A: aren’t there B: are there
- Without the air to hold some of the sun’s heat, the earth would be ______ on at night. A: very cold for us to live B: so cold to us living C: too cold for us to live D: rather cold of us live
- Six excesses is a collective term for the six exogenous pathogens including wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness and heat(fire) ( )
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As<br/>to the four properties of Chinese medicinal herbs , which one of the<br/>following is correct ?_______ A: warm, spicy, hot, cold B: warm, hot, cold and cool C: hot, full, cold and salty D: The herbs that are able to relieve or remove heat patterns are hot in<br/>property E: The herbs that are able to relieve or remove cold patterns are cold<br/>in property
- 1
Would you like to go swimming together with us Oh, I think it is ______ for swimming. A: too much cold B: too much C: C. very much heat D: much too cold
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The guiding principle among the eight-principle syndrome differentiation is ( )。 A: Exterior or interior B: Cold or heat C: Excess or deficiency D: Yin or Yang
- 3
A slow pulse indicates the( ). A: exterior syndrome B: cold syndrome C: heat syndrome D: excess syndrome E: interior syndrome
- 4
What’s the temperature? A: It was unusually cold and dry. B: It will rain. C: 12 ℃ in the day and 4 ℃ at night. D: The heat is killing me.