- Mr. Stevenson is great to work for -- I really couldn't ask for a ______ boss.
- What did Mr. Stevenson’s store sell?/module/audioplay.html?objectid=ac11345aa1e4077e1b728f370cf8d213
- Robert Louis Stevenson is a representative of ______ in English literature. A: Neo-Romanticism B: Pre-Romanticism C: Romanticism D: Aestheticism
- Harold W. Stevenson was Professor Emeritus and fellow at department of Psychology, and the Center for Human Growth and Development at the University of Michigan.
- Howard Stevenson was the man who did more than anybody else to ______ the study of entrepreneurship at the Harvard Business School.
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中国大学MOOC: 哈佛商学院教授霍华德•史蒂文森(Howard Stevenson)指出的定性评价创业机会包括哪些方面?
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. Which of the following writers belong(s) to modernism? A: H. Lawrence B: T. S. Eliot C: Thomas Hardy D: Robert L. Stevenson
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Who wrote the bewitching Sherlock Holmes cycle of detective stories?( ) A: Wilkie Collins B: Lewis Carroll C: Conan Doyle D: Robert Louis Stevenson
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Which of the following writers wrote the book 1984 that began"postmodernism" in British literature? A: George Orwell B: Robert L. Stevenson C: H.Lawrence D: Virginia woolf
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The three most eminent novelists who represent the three phases of the Victorian novels are Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy and______. A: George Moore B: Louis Stevenson C: James Joyce D: George Eliot