• 2021-04-14
  • CultureShock


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      _______is also called the hostility or frustration stage. During this stage, a person experiences what is called culture shock. A: The honeymoon period B: The crisis period C: The adjustment period D: The biculturalism period

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      CultureShock Whatiscultureshock? Disorientationexperiencedwhensuddenlysubjectedto_________________ Common________________ofcultureshock Loneliness,excessiveconcer,depression,confusion,etc. Features:individualand______________ Thecultureshockmodel Step1HoneymoonStage Afeelingofintense______________ Step2DistressStage Afeelingof__________________ Step3Re-integrationStage Refusingto_______________andrejectingtheculture Evendeveloping____________towardsthenewculture Step4AutonomyStage Thefirststagein__________________ More_______________andbettercopewithproblems Step5______________Stage Appreciatethedifferencesandsimilaritiesofnewculture.

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      I was _____ by you, and my sister was in great _____, too. A: confused; confusion B: confusion; confused

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      The hostility stage is characterized by ______, _______, ________, __________.

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      Loneliness and isolation are the features of the land.