What might be the symptoms of cultural shock?
A: Confusion
B: Physiological reactions such as headache and sleeplessness
C: Anxiety and feeling helpless and loneliness
D: Frustration
E: Withdrawal from relationship and conversation.
A: Confusion
B: Physiological reactions such as headache and sleeplessness
C: Anxiety and feeling helpless and loneliness
D: Frustration
E: Withdrawal from relationship and conversation.
- 中国大学MOOC: What might be the symptoms of cultural shock?
- Symptoms of cultural shock may include:_______ A: excessive eating, drinking and sleeping B: hostility to the host country C: feelings of anxiety, homesickness and loneliness D: A,B,and C
- Which feelings may a person experience when suffering from culture shock? A: A feeling of loss regarding friends and family, social status, and possessions B: A feeling of being rejected C: A feeling of confusion in beliefs, values, and role expectations D: A feeling of anxiety, disgust, or surprise in the face of cultural differences
- Troublesomefeelingssuchasdepression,loneliness,confusion,inadequacy,hostility,frustration,andtension,causedbythelossoffamiliarcuesfromthehomecultureisalsoknownas:
- Troublesome feelings such as depression, loneliness, confusion, inadequacy, hostility, frustration, and tension, caused by the loss of familiar cues from the home culture is also known as: