• 2022-07-25
    A: The life of the unit will decrease if you let the unit become dirty.
    B: The life of the unit is impaired if the unit is allowed to get dirty.
    C: The life of the unit is lost if the unit is allowed to get dirty.
  • A


    • 0

      management unit A: 管理组件 B: % C: @

    • 1

      供电组件能够提供28V直流电。 A: The power unit can supply 28 VD B: The power unit is capable of producing 28 VD C: The power unit may supply 28 VD D: The power unit would supply 28 VD

    • 2

      对组件进行测试,以确认其操作没有问题。 A: Do a test of the unit to make sure that there is no problem with its operation. B: Do a test of the unit to establish its operation. C: Do a test of the unit to exercise its operation. D: Test the unit, if you fear that there is a problem with its operation.

    • 3

      A unit price consists of four parts: currency unit, unit price figure, measuring unit and price terms.

    • 4

      辅助动力装置 A: aircraft power unit B: aid unit C: auxiliary power unit D: assessment of performance unit