• 2022-07-23
    A: Object-Oriented Analysis
    B: Object-Oriented Design
    C: Object-Oriented Programming
    D: Object-Oriented Test
    E: Object-Oriented Software Maintenance
  • A,B,C,D,E


    • 0

      面向对象(Object<br/>Oriented)的3个核心基本特征是() A: 封装 B: 继承 C: 多态 D: 泛型

    • 1

      下面哪个单词表示“抽象的”?() A: abstract B: object C: oriented D: analysis

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      An object-oriented database is one that is congruent with the data defined in object classes and sub classes.

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: 4.面向对象(Object Oriented)方法是将现实世界的事物以对象的方式( )到计算机世界的方法。

    • 4

      How is an object oriented relative to the image plane to create: a multiview? an axonometric pictorial?