Manhattan的载杯是Cocktail glass.
- Glass classification by use is the most common classification method. What kind of glass can be classified by this classification method? A: Daily glass. B: Architectural glass. C: Technical glass. D: Glass fibre.
- Manhattan的载杯() A: A古典杯 B: B卡伦杯 C: C鸡尾酒杯 D: D海波杯
- The glass commonly used in furniture manufacturing is mainly flat glass and hot bent glass.
- Which new type of glass is used in furniture inthe following figure?[img=686x457]17de833bd145745.png[/img] A: Plate glass. B: Sandwich glass. C: Hollow glass. D: Wired glass.
- Which new type of glass is used in furniture inthe following figure?[img=686x457]17de833ba5eae03.png[/img] A: Sandwich glass. B: Hollow glass. C: Wired glass. D: Plate glass.