The main focus of cocktail party is on the food.
The main focus of cocktail party is on the food.
“cocktail” 属于开胃酒中的一种。( )
“cocktail” 属于开胃酒中的一种。( )
Manhattan的载杯是Cocktail glass.
Manhattan的载杯是Cocktail glass.
cocktail 是公鸡的尾巴的意思吗?
cocktail 是公鸡的尾巴的意思吗?
The main focus of cocktail party is on the food.鸡尾酒会的焦点是食物。
The main focus of cocktail party is on the food.鸡尾酒会的焦点是食物。
As far as drinks are concerned, one of Canada’s most famous cocktail is called ______________.
As far as drinks are concerned, one of Canada’s most famous cocktail is called ______________.
cocktail A: 孔雀尾羽 B: 鸡尾酒 C: 傲慢的人 D: 狗尾巴
cocktail A: 孔雀尾羽 B: 鸡尾酒 C: 傲慢的人 D: 狗尾巴
自助餐英文为( ) A: Banquet B: Cocktail Party C: Buffet D: Party
自助餐英文为( ) A: Banquet B: Cocktail Party C: Buffet D: Party
cocktail A: 龙舌兰酒 B: 伏特加酒 C: 朗姆酒 D: 鸡尾酒
cocktail A: 龙舌兰酒 B: 伏特加酒 C: 朗姆酒 D: 鸡尾酒