• 2022-07-28
    Propranolol is a
    A: M3 receptor agonist
    B: α receptor agonist
    C: β receptor antagonist
    D: α receptor antagonist
    E: NM receptor antagonist
  • C


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      Mechanism of action: prazosin ()( ) A: alpha-1 receptor blocker B: beta receptor blocker C: phosphodiesterase inhibitor D: calcium channel blocker

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      Drops of blood pressure can lead to renin release, which is mainly because A: stretch receptor of afferent arteriole B: aortic arch baroreceptor C: osmoreceptor in hypothalamus D: cardiopulmonary receptor

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      Which form is transformation ( ) A: genetic substance was transmitted from donor bacterium to receptor bacterium by F pilus B: genetic substance was transmitted from donor bacterium to receptor bacterium by vector phage C: Free DNA segment from donor bacterium directly was ingested into receptor bacterium D: prophage was integrated into bacterial chromosome

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      中国大学MOOC: This receptor family contains ________________. Choose the best expression below.

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      GABA acts on the presynaptic GABAa receptor making the cell membranes hyperpolarization to inhibit the conduction of nerve.